Classes, interfaces and traits


PVForms is a class that controls the creation and management of HTML form elements.

The class can be tied in with other systems for creating of forms that can be generated by passing in dynamic elements. Example: ```php //Create Input Element echo PVForms::creatInput('name', 'text'); //Create An Input with Bootstrap Element echo PVForms::creatInput('name', 'text', array('class' => 'form-control')); //Complete Form echo PVForms::formBegin('my-form', array('method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')); echo PVForms::creatInput('name', 'text', array('class' => 'form-control', 'value' => 'My Name', 'placeholder' => 'Enter your name')); echo PVForms::button('enter', array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success')); echo formEnd(); ```
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PVHTML is a class designed for generating HTML elements to display to the user.

The class takes in basic HTML forms with options. The functionality can be used with dynamic form generation tools. Example: ```php //Create array of links $links = array('Google', '', 'Facebook', ''); $html = ''; $li = ''; foreach($links as $key => $value): $li .= PVHtml::li(PVHtml::ahref($key, $value)); endforeach; $html = PVHtml::ul($li); $html = PVHtml::div($html, array('class' => 'container')); echo $html; //The following will be printed <div class="container"> <ul> <li><a href="">Google</a><li> <li><a href="">Facebook</a><li> </ul> </div> ```
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PVTemplate is a generic template wrapper class that is used as a basis for creating a templating system.

ProdigyView comes with the ability to implement adapters, intercepting filters and observers. Extending this class to a child class will give the child class the ability to use those design patterns along with a collection that can assign and retrieve values using magic functions. ```php Example: //Create the class class Example extends PVObject { public static function testMe($string) { echo $string; //An observer $this->_notify(get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $string); } } //Add to its collection Example::set('foo','bar'); echo Example::get('foo'); //Add a dynamic method Example::addMethod('fiz', function($text) { return 'fiz ' . $text; }); echo Example::fizz('Bop'); //Add Observer Example::addObserver('Example::testMe', 'test_closure', function($string) { echo "\nLine 2 \n" echo $string; }, array('type' => 'closure')); //Will call test me and the observer attached Example::testMe('Testing String '); ```
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