Classes, interfaces and traits


PVObject is an extendable class used to enhance an object that can be instantiated.

ProdigyView comes with the ability to implement adapters, intercepting filters and observers. Extending this class to a child class will give the child class the ability to use those design patterns along with a collection that can assign and retrieve values using magic functions. Example: ```php //Create the class class Example extends PVObject { public function testMe($string) { echo $string; //An observer $this->_notify(get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $string); } } //Add to its collection $example = new Example(); $example->foo='bar'; echo $example-> foo; //Add a dynamic method $example -> addMethod('fiz', function($text) { return 'fiz ' . $text; }); echo $example -> fizz('Bop'); //Add Observer Example::addObserver('Example::testMe', 'test_closure', function($string) { echo "\nLine 2 \n" echo $string; }, array('type' => 'closure')); //Will call the instance and the attached observer $example->testMe('Testing String '); ```
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The PVCollection class acts as a repository for data to be stored, retrieved and iterated over.

The collection class is a simple way of storing and getting information with key, value pairs, Any information can be stored and retrieved including strings, array, and objects. Some example use cases: ```php //Add data and increment over fit $collection = new PVCollection(); $collection -> add('Apples'); $collection -> add('Oranges'); foreach($collection as $key => $value) { echo $value; } ```
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PVConversions is a class used to convert one data type to another.

Often there will be requirements for converting data such as array to objects, json to xml, etc. This class is designed to have built-in functions to make those conversations easy. Example: ```php //Create an array $data = $array('Apple', 'Bananna', 'Orange'); //Convert the array to object $data = PVConversions::arrayToObject($data); //Will display an stdObject print_r($data); ```
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A class used for iterating over items in loops.

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PVObject is an extendable class used to enhance an object that can be instantiated.

ProdigyView comes with the ability to implement adapters, intercepting filters and observers. Extending this class to a child class will give the child class the ability to use those design patterns along with a collection that can assign and retrieve values using magic functions. Example: ```php //Create the class class Example extends PVObject { public function testMe($string) { echo $string; //An observer $this->_notify(get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $string); } } //Add to its collection $example = new Example(); $example->foo='bar'; echo $example-> foo; //Add a dynamic method $example -> addMethod('fiz', function($text) { return 'fiz ' . $text; }); echo $example -> fizz('Bop'); //Add Observer Example::addObserver('Example::testMe', 'test_closure', function($string) { echo "\nLine 2 \n" echo $string; }, array('type' => 'closure')); //Will call the instance and the attached observer $example->testMe('Testing String '); ```
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PVPatterns is the parent class for implementing Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons on instances.

Prodgiyview comes with 4 design patterns that can be extended to any object: Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons. By extending this class to any object that can be instantiated, they will have the capability of using these design patterns.
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PVStaticObjectt is an extendable class used to enhance an object with static methods.

ProdigyView comes with the ability to implement adapters, intercepting filters and observers. Extending this class to a child class will give the child class the ability to use those design patterns along with a collection that can assign and retrieve values using magic functions. ```php Example: //Create the class class Example extends PVObject { public static function testMe($string) { echo $string; //An observer $this->_notify(get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $string); } } //Add to its collection Example::set('foo','bar'); echo Example::get('foo'); //Add a dynamic method Example::addMethod('fiz', function($text) { return 'fiz ' . $text; }); echo Example::fizz('Bop'); //Add Observer Example::addObserver('Example::testMe', 'test_closure', function($string) { echo "\nLine 2 \n" echo $string; }, array('type' => 'closure')); //Will call test me and the observer attached Example::testMe('Testing String '); ```
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PVPatterns is the parent class for implementing Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons on static methods.

Prodgiyview comes with 4 design patterns that can be extended to any object: Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons. By extending this class to any object that uses static methods, they will have the capability of using these design patterns.
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PVStaticObjectt is an extendable class used to enhance an object with static methods.

ProdigyView comes with the ability to implement adapters, intercepting filters and observers. Extending this class to a child class will give the child class the ability to use those design patterns along with a collection that can assign and retrieve values using magic functions. ```php Example: //Create the class class Example extends PVObject { public static function testMe($string) { echo $string; //An observer $this->_notify(get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $string); } } //Add to its collection Example::set('foo','bar'); echo Example::get('foo'); //Add a dynamic method Example::addMethod('fiz', function($text) { return 'fiz ' . $text; }); echo Example::fizz('Bop'); //Add Observer Example::addObserver('Example::testMe', 'test_closure', function($string) { echo "\nLine 2 \n" echo $string; }, array('type' => 'closure')); //Will call test me and the observer attached Example::testMe('Testing String '); ```
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PVPatterns is the parent class for implementing Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons on static methods.

Prodgiyview comes with 4 design patterns that can be extended to any object: Adapters, Observers, Intercepting Filters and Singletons. By extending this class to any object that uses static methods, they will have the capability of using these design patterns.
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